Red Dot Machinery

  • Contact Details
  • a: Unit 31, 11 Romford Road
  • Kings Park NSW 2148
  • t: +61 2 9831 8800
  • f: +61 2 9475 4870
  • e:
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  • About Red Dot Machinery
  • Red Dot Machinery is Australia's leading supplier of affordable and high-quality industrial cutting, routing, engraving, marking, and printing machinery. Our main products are CNC Routers (or CNC Routing Machines), CNC Milling Machines, Laser Cutters/Engravers/Markers (or Laser Cutting/Engraving/Marking Machines), and Flatbed Cutters (or Flatbed Cutting Machines). Established in January 2004, we are an authorised distributor and repairer of OmniCAM and Omnisign Plus brand machines in Australia. Our aims are to supply high-quality machines at the most affordable prices, and to provide free and ongoing after-sale support. With OmniCAM and Omnisign Plus brand machines, you always get more than what you pay for.